В этой ролевой игре вам предстоит взяться за оружие и отправиться на
спасение Квотазии, оказавшейся в руках зла. Четыре мировые стихии -
Земля, Воздух, Огонь и Вода – перемешались, на Земле царит хаос. Вам
предстоит применять магию против злобных троллей и мстительных гоблинов,
вооруженных магическими боевыми топорами, исследовать пещеры и останки
потерянных цивилизаций. Чтобы восстановить баланс мироздания, вам
придется набраться достаточно опыта, стать быстрее молнии, научиться
искусству колдовских чар и обрести силу, способную сокрушать даже камни.
Судьба Квотазии в ваших руках!
Earn up to $3500/month just by taking simple surveys online!
I tried one of those online survey sites about 4 months ago that say all you have to do is spend a couple of minutes filling out some surveys and you will be making hundreds a day..... YEAH RIGHT, I didn't make anything.
I joined 7 of these stupid websites and I actually tried filling out a couple of surveys on each site and they took forever then at the end they wanted me to buy things or I couldn't complete the survey.
These are complete scams so be aware!!! I couldn't believe they were even allowed to sell such bogus products.
Then about 2 weeks ago I was watching the news and they had some vice presidents and marketing managers of some major multi million dollar companies talking about a site that they personally work with to pay consumers for their opinion, A site that actually just wants the "average Joe's" honest opinion on products and services and is willing to pay big money to get them. for more information clik here: http://get-money-for-taking-surveys.info